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Information for parents


Scoring | Parent participation 


All families are expected to take their turn at scoring. By sharing the load, each family will only need to provide a scorer approximately two to three times per season.


Download PlayHQ's Electronic Scoring Guide PDF or view the YouTube tutorial for more information. Scoring training is available on a regular basis, either through the club, or the Melbourne East Basketball Association. Contact your team manager for further information.

Parent participation

Our club is only able to exist as a result of the ongoing commitment of the parents.


Many tasks need to be performed to enable the club to provide the opportunity for our young players to participate.


There are a number of ways parents can help in the running of club such as becoming a team manager, coach, or accepting a role on the committee. It is expected that all parents will support their children and the club by attending social activities and supporting our fund raising.


Please refer to the Code of Conduct and read what is expected of parents as well as players.


©2024 Waverley Wildcats Basketball Club

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