The club operates as a non-profit organisation aiming simply to acquire sufficient income to cover our costs with a small surplus to enable us to improve the facilities provided to players and coaches.
Breakdown of fees
First child – $325.
Second child – 8% sibling discount applies. Discount will be automatically applied at the payment section of the registration process.
Third and fourth children – 16% discount applies. Email the club president for the family designated code to key in at registration.
Fees include:
team entry fee
scoresheet payment
game day venue entry
training venue
trophies and medals on presentation day.
Basketball Victoria Insurance (12 months coverage from first game of season.)
Juniors (U18s) - $29
Seniors (18 years and above) $43 for players 18 years and above.
Basketball Australia Development Fee: $5.50*.
*This is a new fee introduced in 2024 by Basketball Australia. It may not coincide at the same time as the Basketball Victoria insurance fee. This fee goes directly to Basketball Australia.
*Payment arrangements are available. Contact the club president for further information.